Thursday 28 August 2014

Is there a need for us to further evolve within?

The evolution of the earth and life is subject to its own laws and time frame. No further inner evolution, on our behalf, is required in order to serve life and its events. It does not expect us to change and develop a different potential or being and become more conscious.
The world and life are perfectly equipped to feed us with plenty of food, in the form of events and external impressions, to keep us busy and engaged until we die, without anything needing to change or evolve. So through life and our external world, we only evolve up to a certain point and from then onwards it is down to our own effort, if we want to change and become more conscious.
The possibility to evolve further within and develop a different being depends on very special circumstances. We have to be at the right place at the right time in our life and need to be sufficiently prepared to even recognise the signs pointing us towards that possibility. We can’t take this possibility for granted.
And the only reason that most people can’t evolve and develop a different being even when it is offered to them on a silver plate is because they simply don’t want to change.

Abstract of 'Inside Meditation - in search of the unchanging nature within' by alexander filmer-lorch

Copyright © 2011-2014 Alexander Filmer-Lorch – all rights reserved

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Thoughts on Evolution

Ever since humankind have developed the ability to place their lives in context to a bigger whole, an internal drive and longing to explore and inquire has given rise to a number of universal and unanswered questions.
The development of religious and philosophical structures and systems led to an examination of the internal world and the mind. As the research evolved, more refined levels and frequencies, belonging to higher faculties were discovered, though often lying dormant. A variety of pranayama techniques were developed with the sole propose of defining what was to become known as consciousness. 
In the meantime, scientists came to the conclusion that the world is comprised of 108 elements, each element being made of atoms, each with a different attribute attached to it. Further research proved that the atoms were not the underlying basis of everything; that there existed another building material, which they named electron. With more refined devices they discovered that the electron had two properties: it is both moving and not moving and it acts like a particle and like a wave. This gave rise to a new definition —‘the quantum’, which means dual.
After years of more research, they discovered that on a very subtle level the electron is nothing more than an infinitesimal formless energy particle and that it is this particular energy, which can transform itself into an electron and subsequently into matter.
While the first group of people progressed in researching the external world, the second group, through focusing their attention inwards, had refined their techniques to such an extent, that they discovered a subtle, all encompassing, frequency known as the Universal Pulse of Consciousness, which is omnipresent throughout the whole universe and infinitely present in all there is.
Thus in time, Western science may well come to the same conclusion that the underlying building material is not an infinitesimal energy particle but the pure, ever expanding universal pulse of consciousness.

Abstract of 'Inside Meditation - in search of the unchanging nature within' by a. filmer-lorch

Copyright © 2011-2014 Alexander Filmer-Lorch – all rights reserved

Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Meaning of Scale

The term scale is mainly applied to systems containing the capacity to expand, yet very little is known about the internal psychological scale or the cosmological universal scale.

The moment one contemplates on the meaning of scale and the possibilities the meaning of scale provides, one realises that everything we see or experience has an almost infinite degree of scale attached to it, hence all we can observe externally or internally can be perceived from different perspectives along the line, or within the different dimensions of scale.
Many systems, ideas, concepts or events can’t be grasped, understood or experienced to their full extent, without keeping the idea of scale in mind. Practically applying the idea of scale to the relevant things in life expands our limited way of thinking and has a transformative impact on perception, hence it leads to greater freedom in the way we respond.

Scale is a vibration, which is under the influence of increasing or decreasing laws, depending on whether we are ascending or descending within its field or range of possible expansion.
The higher its frequency the less limiting our take on things becomes and the less identified we will become. The lower its frequency, the more limiting our view on things will be and the more identified we will become.

There are different dimensions to scale and we are most familiar with the scale of cartography, which is a two dimensional or linear scale. Cartography portrays the ratio between two points on a map to the real distance between the two corresponding points. Scale can be expressed numerically like 1:100,000 or verbally like one centimetre on the map equals one kilometre on the earth. A map on a large scale shows much more detail than a map on a small scale.
Another very familiar scale is the musical scale or octave in which ascending and descending notes are arranged by the composer in a specific scheme of intervals to create a piece of music.
In medicine the idea of scale is used to measure mental and physical developments using a graded series of tests. 
Scale in maths is the notation of a given number system. A ruler or other measuring device represents the idea of scale as well as a weighing device. 

The scale of architecture takes us into three dimensions and features the relationship between different dimensions of organised space and structures in their relationship to the viewer. The scale and size of buildings, not only impresses the viewer, but also creates different moods, which are the result of the total interaction of dimensions in space, underlying every element of the composition. A variety of artistic effects can be achieved by creating a perfect balance between the geometry, height and textures and the way natural light enters the building. A relatively small architectural structure viewed from the outside, can give a much larger impression and sense of spaciousness once one enters the building, depending on the structural layout and use of space.
Grand scale structures like ancient temples and cathedrals often symbolise the power and social position of the person ordering its construction. Some of them intend to make us feel insignificant where others are supposed to create an image or feeling, which is understood not only by contemporaries but also by future societies and cultures.

A completely different kind of scale is the scale of events in everyday life.
Our life from birth to death is nothing more than a succession of events. Each day is a structure of events that are crowded in on many different scales.
It is personal events that attract most of our attention, and these can be divided into external and internal events, which take place simultaneously. Our attention is constantly drawn back and forth between internal and external events, depending on the intensity of their gravitational pull of importance or priority.
As we move along the scale we come to family events that see us usually discussing the internal and external events effecting individual family members.
Then there is a larger circle of events gyrating around our personal and family events, which relate to our profession, friends and community. Those are, in turn, surrounded by our local events, which we usually come across by reading our local newspaper or watching a local T.V. channel, though we are not necessarily personally or actively involved in them.

The local events link to our national events, which form part of the world events and all of them take place simultaneously on different scales.
These examples of scale illustrate the point well, but the most impressive and transformative example of scale is the night sky. The impact of the infinite scale of our sky at night reflecting billions of stars, planets and galaxies, can lead to a different sense of scale in both thoughts and ideas.
The expansive nature of the night sky may make us aware of our own insignificance in relation to the whole and in the process connect us with the omnipresence of a far greater presence, which governs and determines all there is - manifesting through myriads of seemingly incidental scales of universal events, which are ultimately forming the events of our own personal life. This different scale of thought, which usually appears when we are touched on a deeper level, awakens our higher emotions and this is the beginning of meditation.
Please take a moment to reflect on the meaning of the last paragraph.

Abstract of 'Inside Meditation - in search of the unchanging nature within' by a. filmer-lorch

Copyright © 2011-2014 Alexander Filmer-Lorch – all rights reserved

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Thoughts on Intuition

Intuition can’t take place when we are biased. It only appears when we are in an unbiased or neutral state of mind. The moment we are biased or judgmental, we have taken a position, which invites opposing force to enter. Hence nothing can happen or manifest and intuition won’t appear. A neutral state of mind and objective perspective, which is the neutralizing force in that triad, is the prerequisite for the possible appearance of intuition.
We are very often told that we have to become more intuitive, or have to use our intuition more often. What we don’t understand is that intuition is part of a higher faculty and only appears on a higher level of consciousness. That is, a neutral state of mind automatically contains the reverberation of a more refined state of consciousness. We once said that everything has to be earned via conscious effort, and when we are told or want to be more intuitive or use our intuition more often, we won’t be able to do so out of our ordinary will and effort.
If I am telling you right now to be intuitive, that is to use your intuition, you won’t be able to do so, due to the fact that we don’t really know what intuition truly means to us. In our ordinary state of consciousness, in a state of ‘yes or no’ or ‘shall I’ or ‘should I’ and ‘either this’ or ‘better that’, we have to struggle with the law of opposing forces, which most of the time leads to a massive culmination of thought formations creating a vacuum, which intensifies the more urgent and desperate we try to come to a resolution.
The friction and our struggle within that vacuum forces our battling little ‘ME’s’ to surrender (neutralizing force), which leads to a release of the thought formation in form of a ‘Aha-moment’, in which we grasp all we have struggled with for so long in a moment of spacious perception, manifesting in form of the gift of a resolution. The rising energy of the ‘Aha’ is the vibration of intuition, which is a finer or higher faculty within the third body (1st body is the physical, 2nd body is the psychological and 3rd body is the eternal body). So we usually struggle and work hard to receive the gift of true understanding via the faculty of intuition.

Everybody knows how an Aha-moment feels. It usually is a profoundly liberating and spacious energy spreading throughout our whole system filling us with vitality and aliveness. And within the vibration of intuition we, not only understand what we have struggled with intellectually, but also understand it on all levels at the same time, instinctually, emotionally and physically. This is usually combined with an unshakable depth of knowing that requires no defense and includes not only the resolution, but the required energy to see it through to the end as well.
To summarise:
   We can say that through the process and the science of meditation we gradually shift from external tuition to internal tuition or ‘in- tuition’.
   Then we can say that ‘in-tuition’ has to be earned through work on consciousness and meditation. Also intuition only can enter through the ‘ray of eternity’, once all the different centres and functions are working to their full potential and in balance.
   Furthermore we can say that Great Ideas only can be understood and grasped by means of ‘in-tuition’, hence true understanding of a particular subject or event, only manifests the moment we can see it from a higher point of view or perspective. We can’t truly understand self-consciousness from the level of our ordinary state of consciousness, which takes place on a much lower frequency. That is, we have to rise up to the level of what we intend to understand or grasp in the first place, before we will possess true knowledge of it.
   Finally we can say that once we have established a more permanent neutral state of mind, which in itself is a much higher state of consciousness, ‘in-tuition’ can reach us with less interference from the law of opposition. In other words, our life becomes less prone to the law of accident and more congruent via the gift of ‘perception’.

Abstract of 'Inside Meditation - in search of the unchanging nature within by Alexander Filmer-Lorch